I love Palestine

I love Palestine

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Hamba Allah Yang Benar-benar Soleh

Biasanya bila terbaca ayat-ayat yang canitk dalam Al-Quran, selalu teringin untuk kongsi dengan orang lain. Dan harini lepas maghrib, terbaca  topik yang sangat menarik dan alhamdulillah Allah bukakan hati untuk rajin ke laptop dan menaip apa yang dibaca. Dengan redhaNya, semoga ia menjadi peringatan pada saya dan kita semua. In Sha Allah.

Keterangan daripada surah Al-Furqaan ayat 63-74. 

Tafsir untuk setiap ayat mungkin boleh baca di tafsir masing2, namun di sini saya kongsikan keterangan ayat yang diolah oleh Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Yunus. Ini adalah disalin bulat2 sebab bimbang kalau terubah mana2 maksud (Rujukan: Tafsir Mahmud Yunus, Al-Quran Nul Karim Rasm Uthmani , ms 533 & 534). 

Hamba Allah SWT yang benar-benar saleh ialah:
  1. Orang yang berjalan di muka bumi dan tidak menyombongkan diri (takbur).
  2. Jika dia bertengkar dengan orang-orang yang bodoh, dia mengucapkan: Selamat dan dia tidak mahu membuang masa dengan berbantahan dengan mereka, kerana masa itu lebih berharga dari harta benda.
  3. Pada malam hari dia bersujud kepada Allah SWT serta beribadat, iaitu mengerjakan sembahyang maghrib dan Isyak (dan bersembahyang tahajud).
  4. Dia takut kepada seksa Allah SWT, sambil berdoa mudah-mudahan dia terhindar dari seksa itu.
  5. Dia suka menderma sebahagian wangnya untuk menolong fakir miskin dan amal jariah, seperti mendirikan sekolah hospital dan sebagainya. Dia tidak kikir dan pula berlebiha (melampaui batas) tentang membelanjakan wangnya (boros) melainkan sederhana dan patut menurut keadaannya. 
  6. Dia tidak menyembah selain daripada Allah SWT, dia tidak sujud pada kubur-kubur atau tempat-tempat sakti, malah kepada Allah SWT semata-mata
  7. Dia tidak membunuh orang kecuali dengan kebenaran, umpamanya kerana orang itu bersalah membunuh anaknya menurut keputusan pengadilan Islam.
  8. Dia tidak berzina (berbuat jahat). Barang sesiapa membuat salah satu antara perkara yang tiga ini, iaitu menyembah selain daripada Allah SWT, membunuh orang dan berzina, maka dia akan diseksa Allah SWT serta dilipatgandakan seksanya, kecuali orang yang bertaubat dan beramal saleh. Maka Allah SWT menukarkan kejahatannya itu dengan kebaikan, serta dihapuskan segala dosanya. 

Orang-orang yang saleh juga adalah:
  1. orang yang tidak mahu menjadi saksi palsu, malah menerangkan apa sebenarnya yang dilihatnya.
  2. Jika mereka bertemu dengan orang-orang yang bercakap-cakap kosong (membuang masa), mereka tidak mahu mencampurinya, malah mereka terus berjalan meninggalkan mereka.
  3. Jika mereka diberi preingatan dengan Al-Quran, mereka bukan seperti patung, tidak bergerak tidak mendengar dan tidak juga memperhatikan, melainkan mereka mendengar dan sebenar-benarnya serta diikuti semua ajaran Al-Quran.
  4. Orang yang selalu mengharap dan meminta supaya mereka memperolehi isteri yang terdidik dan pandai menguruskan rumah tangga, serta anak-anak yang terpelajar dan berbudi pekerti baik, sehingga semua itu menggembirakan hatinya, menyedapkan pandangannya, seolah-olah mereka tinggal di dalam syurga dunia. Bahkan mereka menjadi ikutan dan tauladan bagi jirannya, kaum kerabatnya dan seluruh negeri. 

Daripada panjang lebar keterangan dan tafsiran Prof. Dr, ini yang dapat saya digest untuk peringatan diri sendiri dan saya kongsikan.
  1. Jangan sombong, angkuh kerana tiada yang lebih kaya dan tinggi darjat daripadaNya. Kita manusia adalah sama hambaNya, jika lebih sedikitpun mudah sahaja hilang bila Allah tarik nikmat kesihatan, kehidupan @ akal. Bagaimanapun saling menghormati adalah semestinya. 
  2. Tidak perlu buang masa untuk pertengkaran yang tidak berfaedah seperti saling menyakiti atau melaga-lagakan sesama saudara. Adakah kita tidak takut @ rasa berdosa @ rasa bersalah abila kita menjadi punca putusnya silaturrahim? Jadi, lebih baik ia ditinggalkan @ kita yang mengalah.
  3. Siksa yang dinyatakan dalam Al-Quran  sepatutnya menjadi pengajaran yang boleh menyentuh hati. Contohnya dalam Al-Quran banyak kali diulang kisah ahli kubur yang disiksa teringin untuk hidup semula dan bertaubat, namun sudah terlewat. 
  4. Mengenai kekayaan janganlah kita kedekut, hendaklah berserdehana dan berasa gembira dan bersyukur apabila dapat menyumbangkannya kepada kebaikan. 
  5. Mnyembah Allah tuhan yang satu dan pada Dia kita memohon pertolongan dan berharap.
  6. Tidak membunuh melainkan atas keadilan, contohnya polis & tentra yang berlawan dengan musuh untuk mempertahankan negara. 
  7. Membenci perbuatan jahat dan segera bertaubat. 
  8. Janganlah kita menjadi saksi palsu @ memfitnah @ menambah-nambah cerita yang tidak pasti sesuka rasa. Kadang2 terdapat perkara yang benar tetapi tidak perlu kita ceritakan @ sampaikan jika ia boleh menyebabkan pergaduhan, tambahan tiada faedah jika disampaikan. Maksudnya, jangan jadi batu api.
  9. Mengambil tauladan dan tersentuh dengan pengajaran Al-Quran. Pernah dikatakan, hati mati apabila tidak takut berbuat dosa berulang-ulang dan tiada juga niat untuk memperbaiki diri. 
  10. Selalu memohon dan berusaha mendidik keluarga menjadi soleh. Alhamdulillah, saya yang liat bangun subuh ni, bila di kampung mak hari2 pujuk bangun subuh untuk solat di surau. Hati sangat gembira dengan pujukan mak dan lucu bila dia menggunakan kucing. =3
Mungkin banyak dalam list di atas yang masih belum kita lakukan. Dan biasalah, cakap memang senang tapi payah untuk dilaksanakan. Apapun sekecil mana niat kita untuk berubah, semoga dipermudahkan dan diberi hidayah dari Allah SWT. Semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat pada kita semua. In Sha Allah. 

Sebelah kanan (tafsir berwarna biru) adalah tafsir yang saya gunakan sebagai rujukan. Ia bersama saya sejak tahun 2006. Sebelah kiri (tafsir berwarna coklat) adalah hadiah dari kakak tahun lepas, tapi saya jarang gunakan sebab tulisannya agak kecil untuk dibaca. Apapun saya sayang keduanya~ =D 

p/s- Writer is someone that still lack of knowledge but willing to learn. Please correct if spotted any mistake or misinformation especially that related to phrases from Al-Quran, hadith and fact. Your advice, critic and suggestion is much appreciated. Salam =)

Sunday 22 September 2013

A Sudden Goodbye

Thursday, early at 8.30am my friend told me that she have to quit her job. I'm very surprised that I repeatedly ask her for confirmation. Yes, she have to quit because she have to undergo treatment for her sickness. 

My friend started work 7 weeks ago at our company. We get close very fast and we were good as partner. We have started a project but yet she cannot stay until it finish. Its only 2 weeks before the project end. 

She have health problem that she just knew it recently. It have yet confirmed, but everyone think it is serious. She is still very young in her 20s and she's the type who take care of her health. She is a strong girl and keep faith that it's all have purpose for what has fated. 

On Friday we make farewell party for her. She was cheerful and strong that peoples around not feeling sad. On Saturday, she make breakfast with Sardine roll for us and thus our last day filled with comfort. 

Until the end she show her passionate in work. She still asking about everything, why is this, why it looks like that, how to determined it? Feeling pierced, I explain thoroughly like we will never parted. 

Before her I have another friend who quit the job. We also very close, but I never feel sad as I know she go for a better offer. But this friend, she have no other choice but to quit the job that she like.

My dear friend, for the 7 weeks I'm very comfortable with your kindness, soft spoken and of all I admire your courage and patient. I wish the result is good and you always in good health. Stay strong like you always be. May Allah S.W.T bless you and reward a better price for your patience. 

I shouldn't say it simply, but I hope the good words will give you strength. 
May Allah bless. Amin.. 

p/s- Be grateful for what we have today. Take care of our health, do the best in everything we do and appreciate life. Remember there's other who have no choice but to go on as fated.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

I'm Tired of You Guys Fighthing!

      Last week, on Sunday which is my rest day, I'm wasting 2 hour of my precious time begging my cat to get down from the rooftop.  Labu, he not dare to climb down but continue meowing while staring at me who also exhausted meowing in human tone.

      Few month ago Troy, she trapped on the rooftop for 2 days.  The same situation occur with many observers as she trapped at the store in front of my house. The roof is too high for me to reach, but just when I'm looking for a ladder, my kind neighbor offer to rescue. Thanks neighbor! =)

Troy on the rooftop of a store......

......and after she get down, she smell weird 

      Another day, Monsta  he sleep on the rooftop. He stuck since 9pm but, I'm afraid to go outside as it already late. That night Monsta meowing and several time I meowing back calling him to get down. That night, I just cannot sleep with the eerie sound made by Monsta. I text sms to sis at 3am complaining my situation. The next day after I returned from work, he still up there and again I'm begging him to get down. I even have to refuse a dinner invitation in order to save the poor Monsta. Deep inside I think I'm much pitier.

      The above story is about my 4 cats who always have misunderstanding, argument, misconception and fight with the neighbor dog gang. 4 cats vs 4 dogs, and Im the one who mental and physically suffer between the fight. huhu...

Cat gang.......

She is the eldest in cat gang. She quite brave and timid that the first time she met dogs, she not afraid and ignoring them as thereat or dangerous while the dogs confused to see Troy for the first time. However she also experience being chased by dogs that after I forgot to bring her in. The timid Troy starlet for few days that make me laugh heavily because a timid and bully Troy will shrink after hear dog barking. Anyway, now she have no problem with dogs and always she tease and play with them.

The gorgeous and feminine cat is always kind and generous. At first she just observe the dog gang from inside house but after know that the dogs are actually harmless, she go outside and have a close look on them. She not hissing thus the dogs know that Olen is kind and lovely. But yet, the feminine and gorgeous Olen was misunderstood by a hen and the chicken chase and peck poor Olen. Now Olen become a good friend to dogs, but she still traumatize with chickens.

Labu is a poor cat that have suffer allot because of dogs. When he still very small (maybe few weeks old) I found him being bullied by the neighbor dogs. Because of that he really hate and afraid to dog. Several times I try to introduce him to dog (so they will know each other and not hurting him), but still he cannot accept them in his heart.

I dont know what Monsta have went through, but like Abu he just cannot trust dog.

Dog gang........

Baby is a very kind and friendly dog. He know that it is bad to hurt my cats and he always very kind towards them. He very close with Troy and Olen and he just dont understand why Monsta and Labu hissing everytime he try to approach.

Musang is kind but not very friendly. She neither like nor hate cats, she just do her own thing and ignoring others.

The leader of the gang is very manly and macho. He shows a good example to his fellow dogs that my cats are also neighbor and cannot be harmed. When my cat hissing, he just ignore them and sometimes he step backward.

The young dog just try to explore world. With cat that hissing, he will bark and when they running he will chase them and sometimes he is the one who afraid of cat. Anyway he never do bad thing to may cats.

Pakcik Tua
The late old dog were really respected by younger dogs. Even he is creepy old, no dogs dare to over him and they will dismiss by just a barking from him. Yet the Old Pakcik Tua is very kind towards cats. May he R.I.P.

My opinion......

      It was my cats who misunderstood the neighbor dogs. Maybe because they take more precaution to the bigger and beastly looking dog. By time hopefully they will make peace and reconcile. I'm just very tired of them fighting and stuck in the rooftop. And what more depressing while I'm begging my cat to get down, besides me there were dogs who also watching and waiting! huhu..

Do you know that??

When touched by dog in dry condition, no need to sertu. However if either one or both (dog @ touched area) are wet, it is obligate (wajib) to sertu the touched area.

Sertu is a process of cleaning and purifying heavy najis (najis mughallazah). The process of cleaning is by pouring one portion of mixed soil-water, then followed by 6 portion of water to the affected area. The cleaning must remove smell, colour or taste of the najis.

As Muslim, we just cannot touch dog but never Islam told us to hate or torturing dog. Like us, Dog is also His creation that belong to live on earth.

A Muslim can have dogs for the purpose of hunting, searching criminal, guarding place and etc that beneficial to us. However, dog is still treated as najis mughallazah.

Alhamdulillah, with the 4 dogs at my neighborhood, I feel safer at house. Thanks dogs! Anyway, please be kind towards my cats. hehe..


Sunday 8 September 2013

Born in September

      Alhamdulillah, 7/9 is my happy and special day. It is the day that I born to the world long long time ago. My age has passed the teenage era and I now am an adult. hehe.. There is time when I asked mum how I born and mum told the incredible story to me.

      It was on evening mum at town doing businesses and selling things. She felt hurt in stomach and know she will give birth that day. Knowing that, she called taxi and rushed home as she afraid to give birth at hospital. Why? Because she really afraid if the hospital do mistakes that there is possibility her baby changed with other's. I was delivered in my aunt house with two of my aunts do the midwife work. We are twin with my bro come out first and I delivered few minutes later. Bro come out normal while I was in inverted position. They must be very careful so that my head not snapped off from my body. I can imagine mum was deadly in pain to deliver twin, inverted baby, with no anesthetic and what more mum said bro was FAT. hehe.. I know nothing can compare to what mum endure, but I really determined to at least repay her with love and make her proud. Amin...

One of my birthday card from sis. On my birthday, she gave me Al-Quran, Al-mathurat, Islamic book, cloth, shoes and etc that beneficial to me.  I know she love me, never stop to remind me and wake me if I got slack. TQVM sis for all the presents and for ALL. I love u, and I always do. =) 

      Thank you Allah (SWT) to give me chance to see the world until today. I am grateful for Your grace that I born in Islam, healthy and live in a peaceful country. Thank you mum to endure the pain that we able to born that day. Thank you for the great and loving family that I will never change them to anything in the world. I am proud to be born as tough as mum and modest like dad.

      To myself, use this opportunity given from God and live to the fullest. Appreciate what I have and work harder to be better. May He guide me to be better Muslim, to be better daughter and to be a better human. Amin....

“Oh turner of the hearts (Allah, the Most High), keep our hearts firm on your religion“. Amin..

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